Cambridge Pavement Cross Sections
In preparation for the replacement of a 3,000 linear foot private road, E4L Engineering was contracted to perform nineteen pavement cross-sections. The information acquired though this exploration allowed the design engineers to evaluate the subbase material and determine if any soil remediation should be included in the scope of the project. The pavement thickness information acquired allowed the client to more accurately estimate the amount of material to be replaced or reused which in turn allowed the client to provide the homeowners’ association with a more accurate budget on the project.
Mason Road Extension
On the surface this appeared to be a standard extension project connecting two existing roadways. Once the top soil stripping was completed, two problems where discovered: wet soils on one road and unsuitable soils on the other. After evaluating the cost and schedule implications of all remediation options, it was determined that lime stabilization was the most cost and schedule effective way to deal with the high moisture content material. The unsuitable material needed to be under cut so in the interest of saving on import and export costs, E4L Engineering worked with the contractor to find suitable replacement material onsite in stockpiles and green areas. This approach saved over 50% in import and export costs.

These are a few examples of the support that E4L Engineering provides that puts us above the rest!

Fields BWM Expansion
A typical building addition project, the scope started with expedited IL LPC-663 haul off testing and sign off. Providing expedited service early in the project allowed the client to begin earthwork operations five days earlier than anticipated. Once the mass grading operations concluded, E4L Engineering provided footing inspection services, during which, unsuitable materials were discovered within the zone of influence of the footings. E4L Engineering staff worked with the contractor during the undercut to ensure only the material that needed to be removed was undercut and provided quantity verification to the client. Once the soil work was complete, E4L Engineering followed up with concrete testing for the footings and slab as well as the steel weld inspection on precast panel and roof assembly.
Bellwood Case Study
The drilling performed on this particular project was difficult due to the limited access to the actual site. The soil borings were performed along the roadway right-of-way and in a Commonwealth Edison Easement which required precise coordination between the client, the village, the civil engineer, the geotechnical engineer, and the environmental consultant. Since the area allotted for drilling was small, each boring was used for the purpose of environmental sampling, geotechnical sampling, and the determination of depth and quality of bedrock. The scope of work also included the installation of groundwater monitoring wells to determine the groundwater profile. E4L Engineering took readings over a period of 30 days to determine the variation of the water table. Our geotechnical engineer remained on site during the drilling process to coordinate all of the moving parts. Additionally, his presence ensured the information required for the geotechnical report was properly collected.

Bridge Embankments I-89 Over the IL River
E4L was hired to install Inclinometers and Piezometers at the I-89 Bridge over the Illinois River. The Inclinometers were used to measure deformation of the slopes on each side of the river during the backfilling operations. While the piezometers were used to measure the groundwater level to ensure that the hydrostatic pressure of the groundwater would not cause any issues during the construction of the slopes. The project consisted of using a truck mounted drill rig to drill soil borings to depths of 80 feet deep and installation of the piezometer and inclinometer equipment in the holes. The inclinometer probe was then carefully lowered into the casing to and used to determine the baseline readings of the soil boring hole. The readings were then taken at specified intervals to determine if any variation/movement or settlement was present in the slope and if said movement was outside of the proposed specification for the project.
Egan Parking Lot
The Egan parking lot project consisted of removal of the existing parking lot and constructing a permeable paving parking in its place. The proposed parking lot included large undercuts, up to 7 feet, back filled with 3-6 feet of 3inch stone, followed by 1-2 feet of CA-7, and finally the permeable paving system. E4L was involved in performing extensive Quality Control testing on the soils, all of the stone layers, as well as infiltration testing on the final pavers. E4L worked closely with the client as well as the owner (MWRD) to ensure that all specifications were followed and all requirements for the testing were met. In addition to the typical CMT services, E4L also provided their Engineering expertise on solving several on site problems to ensure that the job did not get postponed.

Stonebridge of Gurnee
The Stone Bridge of Gurnee project consisted of the construction of a new Retirement and Rehabilitation center from the ground up. E4L was responsible for monitoring and testing the existing soils as well as the backfill material that was used to build up the building pad. From that point on, E4L was contracted to perform quality control testing for the Construction Materials including Concrete, Soils, Steel, Asphalt, and Fireproofing to ensure that the contractors built the project according to the engineering specifications. E4L was involved in all onsite construction material testing and meetings with the Village of Gurnee inspectors to make sure that the project was running smoothly. Due to short timeframe for the construction, the project continued throughout the winter with the contractor using various ground heating methods to keep the subgrade at the required temperature for concrete placement.